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2018/08/15 13:40


Successful Public Speaking
Successful Public Speaking uses the foolproof methods of Dale Carnegie to turn you from a nervous novice into a confident presenter. Dale Carnegie believed that public speaking is a skill to be learned, not an inborn trait. He validated that belief year after year by turning out the most accomplished speakers in the world.

Step Up To Leadership
Discover our leadership style and the impact of that style on our team and associates. Value human potential and build relationships of mutual trust and respect. Develop and maintain processes and procedures that define performance goals, empower, and delegate. Define purpose, values, expectations, and ground rules in order to create a cohesive team that achieves results. Achieve desired outcomes and hold others accountable to predetermined results.

Innovational Leadership
Leaders tap into the power of human potential. They accept that they alone don’t have all the answers, customer knowledge, and new ideas needed to move an organization forward. The Innovation Process moves a leader through the steps necessary to turn vision into reality. This process applies where innovation and better methods of doing things are needed.

Sales Booster Course 
At the completion of this course, you will be able to: Present alternative solutions to build win-win outcomes. Communicate added value to create a competitive advantage. Align solutions with the actions and agendas of the other party.

How To Make Multi-tasking Work For you
Put an end to the stress, burnout and worry caused by having too much to do in too little time. This one-day course is based on the unique productivity-improvement/stress-reduction principles developed by Dale Carnegie in his book, How to Stop Worrying and Start Living.

The secrets of how to make human relationships and effective speaking
A world bestseller's book "How to Win Friends & Influence People" shows practical examples of Dale Carnegie's principles. In this course, you will understand the principles of human relationship and learn so that it can be utilized in real life. As a result, your problems are improved, becoming a professional of human relations and your life will change dramatically.

Creating a Professional Demeanor: How to Look, Act and Sound Like a Professional
When people say, "he or she is a real professional" what do they mean? They are referring to the person’s demeanor – his or her behavior and attitude. A professional has emotional control, is assertive without being aggressive, can disagree tactfully, handles people with diplomacy and uses language that is appropriate, precise and compelling. Now you can acquire the attributes of professionalism quickly and easily at Creating a Professional Demeanor: How to Look, Act and Sound Like a Professional.

Negotiations: A Human Relations Approach
Negotiations require listening to others carefully and observing their actions and reactions. Understanding which issues are the most important to your client or colleague is critical in developing a solution that is acceptable to both parties. With a clear understanding of the other person’s desires, you can partner to develop a solution that builds trust and lasting relationships.